Today I’m on Week 4 Day 2 of FocusT25 and I totally love it. As you can guess by the name of my blog, using my time wisely is the name of my game and the T25 workout program fits perfectly into that. I also love Shakeology—I’ve been drinking it for about a year but I really can’t get enough of the new vanilla flavor that debuted last month!
When I started T25 I knew I’d have to find a healthy alternative to my favorite treat—-a small bowl of frozen yogurt topped with a few spoonfuls of Nutella—and I’ve found an alternative with this new take on my classic protein bite recipe. This one uses Vanilla Shakeology and adds in some new healthy elements like raw honey along with flax, chia, buckwheat and hemp seeds.
Making them is super fast & easy—first you need to chop the seeds, nuts & oats. For this I use my Bullet but any blender or processor would work. Run it until they are finely chopped. Then in a big bowl combine the other dry ingredients and stir. Finally, fold the honey into the mixture and stir until it is well blended. Then use your hands to shape it into bite-size balls (about 1″ in diameter). It should yield around 15 Power Bites. Place them on a cookie sheet and freeze 4-6 hours or overnight. Store in a sealed container in the freezer. Enjoy one before workouts or for a quick burst of energy & nutrition! They taste like chilled oatmeal cookie dough—-so good!